我是通过中信银行代签的B1/B2,当时在南京市中山路359号江苏省中信大厦办理的中信代签。 B1/B2 商务/旅游签证是寄送到江苏中信大厦的,所以需要到楼上去取材料。 如果大家是在北京、上海、广州、沈阳这4个城市面签的话,就不存在这个问题了。 因为B1/B2都是寄到北京、上海、广州、沈阳领事馆的面签。 所以不用跑到大老远的江苏去拿材料。
但是B1/B2 可以委托中信代签哦~ 我觉得挺方便的! 而且中信代签也很快的,我大概只等了一个星期就拿到护照啦~ 但是签证有没有通过我就不清楚了.... 下面是中信代签所需要的资料以及流程: 中信代签需要的资料(所有都要原件+复印件):
a) DS-160表格确认页;
b) 有效因私护照(有效期至少剩余六个月以上);
c) 美签照片 (尺寸:5x5cm,白底) ; d) 预约面试通知单; e) 身份证原件正反面及复印件; f) 户口本整本原件及复印; g) 结婚证原件及复印件; h) 房产证原件及复印件; i) 车产证原件及复印件 j) 存款证明原件;(存折和存单都可以) k) 工资卡流水对账单或近半年的个人所得税纳税凭证; l) 行程计划表; m) 营业执照副本原件和复印件加盖公章 (公司执照须满一年) n) 单位的准假信 (要附上单位的营业执照副本,组织机构代码证的复印件并加盖单位公章) o) 其它资产证明:股票交易对账单、车辆行驶证,黄金首饰,信用卡等; p) 个人简介英文 内容如下:
This is my ____________________. I was born in_____________ on______. Now I live and work in_______ at _______. My telephone number is___and email address is_I would like to visit the USA for_______. The main purpose of this trip will be_The places that I want to visit are_______,_____,__. Besides these famous sights, there are a lot of beautiful scenery which interests me very much, such as _My travel plan will cover about __days from July to August next year. During the traveling process , I can learn more knowledge about _______culture or life style. What’s more, It would help me know what kind of job available if I go to study over there. At last, I hope you could give me admission letter so that I am supposed not have problems with visa application. Thank you very much for your attention!