

可以,只要你的护照还有有效的赴美签证(B1/B2),就可以在美国申请移民或者转身份的时候申请一个临时签证来合法留在美国等待最终的结果。 这种签证就叫做“美国桥签证”Bridge Visa,也叫过渡性N维签证。 因为申请的条件就是,申请人需要持有有效 B1 / B2 的旅游签证进入美国,所以又被称为 “Tourist Overstay Visa (TOV)”.

根据你入境时间的不同和所持签证的不同可分为以下三种类型: * F-1 students who overstayed their visa can apply to an I-539 adjustment of status petition, and then they are usually granted either a TOV or CIV for the duration of the administrative processing of case; if approved, these visas would allow you to stay in the US until your green card is being processed. It's important that the student has maintained lawful status throughout the period prior to filing this application as well. For more details, see USCIS’ website on Adjustment of Status by Nonimmigrant F Students。

For most visitors who entered with B(2) nonimmigrant visas but did not depart upon expiration of their admission periods,the Department of Homeland Security grants a TOV for two years; however, after March 8, 2007,only one year of authority remains available under the program. The two remaining months are still valid for those who had previously been granted up to two years when they first entered the United States before August 1, 2004. See DHS Policy Manual, Volume 6 – Adjudication Policies and Procedures, Chapter 2 – Bridge Visas。 In order to get it, applicants must have a valid passport, a bona fide intent to live permanently in the U.S., adequate funds to support themselves without public assistance while in the U.S., a suitable place to live during the period of authorized stay, and no criminal record.

If applying at a consulate abroad, there may be additional requirements depending on the country of birth of the applicant. Generally speaking, the applicant will need a signed affidavit of financial support from a relative living legally in the USA, unless his/her own parents meet certain criteria which make them eligible for financial sponsorship. A full list of the eligibility criteria is provided by USCIS here. Note that since May 2007,an N-400 Application


1. 是的,在美国境外可以申请过桥签;不过不能申请B2或者C5的F1-M等类型(学生)签证。但是可以办L-1, L-2 这种工作类别的H4和H4A签证,这些类型的签证是移民类别,不是非移民类型的。

2. 如果题主现在人在国内的话想过来美国,建议不要申请了,因为目前入境美国的限制很多。 如果想在国内找工作的话,就申请H1B visa吧!如果希望能在美停留较长时间并且有资格获得EB-1/EB-3或EB-5绿卡,需要考虑一下是否有机会在美国以外的地方找到合适的工作,以便日后有机会拿到工作签证。 但是一般情况是这样的,除非你特别幸运可以在那边找份好工作,不然一般都是通过留学过来的,这样就比较便宜了而且成功率也比较大些...

