

首先,我不太赞同楼上的说法。 其次,我认为对于商务签而言主要盘查的就是赴美的目的和申请人与申请公司之间的关系是否真实。所以面试的时候不要试图去掩盖任何东西,这样只会让签证官认为你是有问题的。相反,要大胆地陈述出自己真实的申请理由和自己的赴美计划安排等。如果申请人的理由充分且能自圆其说,那基本可以拿到签证了。

下面我从几个方面来阐述一下这个问题 第一、如果是首次申请B1/B2商务访问类型签证的人,那么他们所面临的挑战将会比一般申请者大很多。因为美国B类签证的拒签率是相当高的。 第二、在面谈之前一定要好好准备材料,这些是基础也是关键所在! 第三、在面试的时候,一定要注意自己的言谈举止和回答问题的技巧。 第四、最后说一下面试时最容易被问到的问题。这个可以参考一下,以便于有备无患~ Q: Why are you going to the U.S.? (为什么你去美国) A: This is my first time to visit America and I am planning a tour in New York, Washington DC as well as Los Angeles because these places attract me most. Moreover, there will be some business meetings between our company and American customers during that period (说明自己赴美目的) Q: What kind of business do your company have? Is this trip related with any business? And how many people would attend this meeting? Will it cost lots of money? You said those famous place like Disneyland attracted you very much, but why don't you go to California instead of visiting New York or LA? Aren't traveling for a week a bit too short time? Can you really see everything on such a brief time?(怀疑赴美目的及申请人与公司关系是否真实) A: Our company mainly deal with import and export business, which includes various products from all over the world. As far as I know, we haven't done any businesses before with Americans and what we want to build now is an international network among different companies in both China and America, so this meeting should help us achieve this goal. Although I have little experience about travelling abroad especially in USA, i still believe after one week tour I can get enough fun and learn something more about life here.(解释清楚公司性质与赴美目的并强调赴美是为了建立网络而非旅游观光)


这个要看情况, 一般没有直接对中国人进行盘问的。 但是你可以通过询问你的律师是否有必要这样做来侧面知道有没有可能受到这样的待遇。如果有可能的话那也是在你被移民监期间。(在美国) 如果是你自己的案子并且你本人亲自去移民局接受问询的时候他们可能会问你一些类似“为什么你会选择现在的时间点提出你的申请”“你为什么选择了现在的申请人”之类的问题.因为有些问题会有一定主观性所以不能保证这些问题是否会被问到。但是如果你之前有咨询过移民律师那么你完全可以让律师帮你整理好答案再去和移民局的人沟通。
