

我今年也收到了UCL的offer,所以写这个邮件时,还算是有点经验吧。 先说一下选课上邮件的主要内容:

1. 介绍自己的基本情况(名字、ID、申请专业);

2. 说明自己选择UCL的原因;

3. 表明自己对所申专业的喜爱和热情(强调自己很适合这个专业,而不是随便申请的);

4. 详细描述自己大学每门课程的成绩(分数高低+课程名称);

5. 提供自己的雅思成绩;

6. 附上自己的简历。 【内容不重要,重要的是让学校感觉到你是认真地申请了他们的programme并且认真准备了这份邮件】


Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is XXX and my student ID is XX. I am writing to ask you for advice about which undergraduate courses to take in your school year (2017-2018) so that I can improve the strength of my CV before applying for masters programmes.

I have seen on UCAS that there are two honours languages available, one being French with Italian as an option language (XXX), but what really interested me was the other track——French with German as a second option language(YYY). The reason why I think this will be good preparation for you to pursue a master’s degree in France is because of the strong linguistic background it provides. Besides, I would love to continue learning languages after my undergrad studies if at all possible.

Apart from language, I am most interested in studying History and Modern Languages within UCL's School of European Studies. My reasons for choosing these subjects are that I feel that they will help me understand our ever changing society here in Europe better, as well as provide me with skills such as critical thinking and analysis. With that said, my first choice would be to study History and then combine it with another language, maybe Spanish or Russian.

In summary, I hope to pursue a programme that will allow me to gain a good grasp of a foreign language while also providing me with the tools to question the world around me. 谢谢


一般就是先说明自己是哪个学校的,想选修的科目是哪个(最好写详细点) 然后是申请理由,比如对这门课程有什么了解/感兴趣之类的(要写得稍微正式一点) 最后再说一下这门课的重要性(如果你只是觉得它对你有帮助而选这门课程就完全可以不用写了)然后结束语随便写一个就行啦

PS.因为个人是在英国读的本科所以比较熟悉一些英式的语言习惯 但是你还是要根据自己选择的院校的要求来写哦~~
