

这要取决于题主具体问的哪个部分,以及目标分数是几分。 雅思G类考试分为听力、阅读、写作和口语四个部分,每个部分满分都是9分。如果目标分数是6.5(总分),那么每一部分都要达到6+,也就是各项小分加起来要在21+。 如果目标是7+,那么每一部分要达到7+,也就是说四项小分加起来在28+。以此类推。 但是要注意一点! 这是最低要求,达到这个分数你就有可能拿到6.5的成绩。但是想要真正的达到6.5,小分不能仅达到最低要求,应该尽量往上提。这样你才有较大的几率拿到6.5!

举个例子: 比如你的听力阅读能达到5+,但写作只有4,这样的话就算其他两项能考满,你也只能拿到6的成绩,而不是想象中的6.5。 所以要想听读写说是每项都尽量往高了考的话,那最终的目标就应该是7左右

下面给几份真题范文供参考: 雅思G类大作文如何评价国内兴起的英语测试机构?如环球,新航道等。

参考答案: In recent years, more and more test centers have been set up to offer English proficiency tests for Chinese learners like me. I think it's a good thing. Firstly, they can help the learners improve their language ability in an effective way. Secondly, different from those traditional tests where you need to take the test in a certain age or even country, now you can choose when to take the test, which is convenient as well. And last but not least, all these tests are recognized by universities across the world. So if you want to apply for an overseas university, no matter what kind of program you want to study, this kind of test center will be your first choice. On the other hand, there are also some negative aspects about them. For example, because so many people are learning English nowadays, most of us don’t speak English at home, so we need to go out looking for opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers. And these test centers afford such opportunities but only in a limited way. Additionally, since everyone wants to learn English, there would always be a large number of students wanting to sit in on the same class, thus making the class too big to hear teachers clearly and answer questions individually.





