NTU 位于新加坡北部,毗邻阿旺廷,占地70公顷,距市中心仅2.5公里。校园风景如画、交通便利。 我们提供各种住宿选择-从学生宿舍到公寓式宿舍(拥有独立的厨房和浴室)应有尽有。所有学生住宅均配有空调,宽带接入,并享有免费的垃圾收集服务。 我们还设立了专门的教学楼和科研设施,为学生和教职员工提供了良好的教学环境。我们的教学楼配备有先进的设备和宽敞的学习区。我们还设有中央图书馆及多个分馆,供学生们借阅书籍和学习使用。
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is located in the northern part of Singapore, adjacent to Avon Terrace. The campus covers an area of 70 hectares with convenient access to the city centre only 2.5 km away. We have a wide range of on-campus accommodation available – from student hostels to self-catering flats all equipped with air conditioning, broadband connectivity and free rubbish disposal. Our teaching buildings are fitted with state-of-the-art facilities and spacious learning areas. Our libraries, each with numerous branches, are well stocked with books and other learning resources for students' use.