

1. 推荐学校

2. Master vs Bachelor Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning(B.Urban & Reg.Pl) is typically a four-year degree program which covers various aspects in urban development like economics, environmental science, planning theory, etc. It prepares students with basic knowledge for further study or entry into the related job market (master's degrees required for some positions), but since it does not cover too much advanced theories as well as practical skills needed by professionals especially those who intend to be an architect, landscape architects etc. So most universities offer B.Urban & Reg. Pl in cooperation with other departments such as Architecture 和 Landscape architecture ,the duration will normally be five years. On the flip side, master programs usually take two years and provide more specialized courses focusing on specific areas within this discipline, thus allowing students to have better understanding about their interests. In general, bachelor programs are meant for students without prior professional experiences,while masters' programs might be better suited for those already working in similar industries(but also depends on each university). Therefore if you prefer to explore broader topics rather than focus on one area of interest specifically,you can choose bachelors';on the contrary,if you want to get deeply involved in your favorite subject,masters' may suit your needs best. Personally speaking,I am currently studying my Masters Degree at University of Toronto. The first year was composed mainly of core classes covering essential theories necessary for all planners, while second year consisted mostly of elective courses that allow me to specialize in either transportation or sustainable design. I would say,bachelors' or masters' totally depend on individual preference. But remember, no matter what path you chose,it always benefits to combine theoretical background with relevant hands-on experience, and try to work hard! As we know,a high GPA is considered very important when applying to both schools overseas and even employers back home. Good luck!

3. General Admission Requirements ●Transcripts


在多大读的, 本科是建筑和城市设计,硕士是规划。 因为学校本身建筑系是非常好的,所以研究生也有几个很好的选择。 最大的问题就是作业很多,压力大,不过因为都是和建筑有关的课程,对中国人来说会容易一些,并且能学到东西。 如果将来想回国发展的话,我建议你学UW,那边的中国同学多,比较热闹吧!! UBC的工建也不错,但是那边气氛太压抑了。。。如果是我自己选的话肯定不选那里(其实是因为我在UW).。。

另外,我觉得城市规划这个专业还是很有前途的,现在国家大力推行城镇化建设嘛~ 希望对你有帮助啦^^加油加油~
