“私人访问”其实是一个比较宽泛的概念,根据申请人的不同可以分为B1/B2商务访客(Business Visitor)、B1/B2观光旅游者(Tourist)和F1学生三种情况, 由于这三类申请人目的和申请要求各有差异,我们分别看看美国使馆对于这类申请人的具体描述和要求吧!
一. B1/B2商务游客
首先我们来看看B1/B2商务旅客的官方定义: The business visitor is generally a foreign national who enters the United States temporarily for the purpose of carrying out business activities that do not involve employment in the United States, or visiting relatives and friends (tourists), or both: The person's primary mission must be to engage temporarily in certain kinds of professional trade fairs或business conferences as an attending professional or other participant; or participate in commercial screenings at film festivals; or give lectures or provide training as part of a formal, authorized course of study; or perform work related to a short-term contract between his or her home company and a U.S. based organization, but only if the nature and scope of the contractor’s services are limited by the terms of the contract; A business visitor may also engage briefly in other transactions that occur incidentally to the main activities described above. 翻译过来就是:B1/B2商务客人是以非工作为由入境美国,进行短期经商活动或者探亲访友的游客。他们通常有以下几个特点: 第一,他们的来访目的主要是为了从事商业贸易活动而非就业,或者是探亲访友(游客),或是两者兼而有之。 第二,这些商务人士进入美国前必须证明自己的商务性质,通常他们会提交以下其中一种证明材料:
4)参加其所在公司与美国公司签订的工作合约项目。需要注意的是,这些商业活动的开展必须是合同协议中所规定的范围。 第三,B1/B2商务客人在访美期间可以进行的业务活动还包括上述商务活动中附带的一些其他交易行为。 对于此类申请人来说,一般需要提交的材料有: 护照首页复印件及签证页复印件、最近一次的入境盖章章页的复印件、DS-160表格确认页及14C申请表复印件各1份;如果曾经有过赴美经历,还须提交以往签证的原件以及签证照片。B1/B2商务客人还需要提交与本人相关,如公司营业执照副本复印件加盖公章、名片、个人简历等材料以便使领馆评估审核。 如果申请者所申请的商务活动涉及进口产品的销售,则还需提供产品清单并说明每种商品的数量以及预计销售额以供核实。另外,如果是通过旅行社递交的旅游团签证申请者则需要补充提交组团旅行社的资质证明原件及英文旅游行程安排表。 需要注意的是,尽管B1/B2商务签是单次有效的10年多次,但从B1/B2过渡到永久居民,仍然需要通过移民形式来实现。因此,我们在准备文件时仍需要注意文件的一致性和完整性哦!
二. F1学生签证 下面来看看美国使馆对于F1学生的官方定义: In order to be admitted into the United States for the purposes of pursuing study, an applicant who has been selected must meet all visa requirements under immigration law including proof that he or she falls within one of the nonimmigrant categories. One such category is the F student. The following information applies equally to students