

没在Mills吃,但吃过几次,价格对于外国人有点小贵,质量就一般吧。 学校里面有两个cafeteria,一个在图书馆旁边(叫library café)还有一个在student centre里面(叫lounge)。

两个地方都提供快餐式的食品,不过library café的人流量会多一点。 lounge里面有各种小吃,饮料,披萨等等,还有几个饭类主食,价格跟加拿大本土的速食店比不算便宜。 library café的东西比较像快餐,种类不多,价格也不算很贵。 学校的超市里面也有东西卖,价格还算可以,不过品种少。

如果在校园里面待的时间比较长,建议办一个学生食堂的卡,这样能省下不少钱(办卡需要学校email) 如果学校食堂不能满足你的要求,学校外面就是商业街,什么中餐,日餐,韩餐,意大利菜,印度菜应有尽有... 另外,所有公寓都配有厨房和洗衣机,当然也可以在外面的洗衣店洗衣服。


Maurice is located on the west side of campus. There are a lot of places to get food there - fast foods, convenience stores and some smaller restaurants/cafes like Caffe l’Etoile (a cute place with free wifi)). There's also a very nice restaurant near it called "L'Espresso Bar" that has great lunch deals(6刀多就能吃饱!). The school itself offers dining halls and cafeterias in its residence buildings where you can eat for less than $5 per meal so if your schedule isn't too busy don't be afraid to head down there after class...or when you're hungry as always...lol.

Hope this helps.
