

先报一下成绩吧 然后来谈一谈自己的经验 我是在北京新东方上的课,我是属于底子蛮好的那种学生,高中的时候外教就来学校给我做过测试,大概托福水平是80分这样子(满分120)。大学四级624分裸考一次性过。但是我的听力一直都是短板,四六级听力也都是刚刚过。

因为要申请英国的那边大学所以考了一次雅思。第一次雅思准备不充分5.5 (5.0) 第二次雅思准备充分7.0(6.0)。下面简单讲一下每次雅思的考试情况 第一次雅思,考前看了王陆语料库,做完练习之后感觉很好,去考了80+。但是考试时候遇到了难题,题目里面出现了part1没说过的话题以及part3的讨论题(这是我最不好的几道题)。

第二次雅思,考前听了小站和环球的课程,做了一遍剑11-13 ,总结了一套自己的答题模板并且亲自练了几十遍(重点难点词汇笔记做了两本)。考试中遇到大部分题目都很简单,但是有一道topic 和之前准备的不一样于是结巴了一下,最后7.0(6.0) 这里我想说的是雅思口语一定要多听!我考前每天都花2h听环球和小站的课,每听完一遍就自己练习回答问题(跟读练习)。



As a born and bred Beijing citizen, I have always felt privileged to live, study and play in this big bustling city.

So how did I come to live here? Well, my father grew up in Tianjin nearby and my mother was a Beijinger, so I was in effect born a Beijinger. Beijing is a vast city with over 3000 years of history, and at night, if you take a plane coming in to land, you can see sprawling streets and avenues dotted with thousands of lights. That was the first image I saw of Beijing when I was on my way to the delivery room!

I’ve spent all of my life in Beijing where I live with my parents, grandparents and elder brother. I attend a school here and play with my friends here, but for such a big city with enormous amounts of resources, Beijing is very crowded indeed. There are about 17 or 18 million people living in Beijing and you can barely see the sky in clear, blue light. Usually at this time of year it is heavily polluted! But even so, I am very proud to be a Beijing citizen and I have no wish to settle anywhere else.
