1. Matching(配对) 问题类型:为题目中给出的两个或多个单词进行匹配,注意,是“匹配”而不是“选择题”。例如:问几个颜色词语如何搭配,那么考生就需要找到相应的答案。需要注意的是,这类题目需要考生在作答的时候使用“替换”思路。 举例说明:Question:What are the matching relation between “green” and“clean”Answer:Green can match clean in meaning of "not dirty" or "not polluted", but not so much as the word green to express the idea that something is still alive and growing, like a leaf on a tree.
2. Classification(分类) 问题类型:将答案分成几类并给出合理的理由。比如让你把动物分为一类并说明原因。或者将人物进行分类并说明其原因。值得注意的是,在分类时,所给分类的标准是不容忽视的,切不可胡乱归类。 举例说明:Question:How would you classify these animals? Answer:I would classify them into two groups, herbivores and carnivores. The reason for this classification is simple——the first three animals eat plants while the last one feeds on other animals.
3. Sentence completion(句子填空) 问题类型:给出一个不完整的句子,要求补全句中的缺少的成分。有时候会给到一些选项,要求选择最恰当的,有时候则不会给出选项,比较考查考生对于句子的掌握程度。 举例说明:Question:The new sports centre will be completed next year, ?Answer:It will be ready by the end of next year.
4. Headlining(标标题) 问题类型:给一篇文章,要求提取其重要的信息并把其标题化。有时候也会让考生在给定的答案范围内自行拟个标题。 举例说明:Question:Is human intelligence really necessary for problem-solving activities? Answer:Does the answer to this question depend on who's asked?