我有个学生,第一次考试就是9分 然后我有幸看到了他那份极有价值的口语备考素材!!!!(真的很有价值,我后来拿出来给好多考生用!) 我只是负责出成绩和出材料,考前沟通和考试都是他和我另外一个学生自己操作的,考前我都没见过他。。。。
以下是他的文字版答题思路,都是我那个考生自己写的 Part1 Describe a person who has influenced you. 答案: Well the person I want to tell about is my mother because she was the one which made me decide to study and work abroad in order to get better opportunities in life. She’s not just an ordinary mom but someone that all her children look up to as a role model for many reasons: hard working, intelligent, determined etc. When I was 20 years old I decided it was time to leave home and start living independently so as not to be dependent on anyone. I applied to various university courses and then got into the one i wanted in England. My parents were really pleased with this achievement and encouraged me to apply for scholarships too. Unfortunately at this point we didn’t have much money, and my mum couldn’t come with me to join my new life in another country right away . But she did everything she could from long distance by sending me letters with tips for studying in English, how to settle down and what to expect等.And of course with Skype we can see each other every day and talk about everything that is going on in my life. After graduation we went back home to visit for christmas . When we were there, she told us how proud she was and gave us gifts she had saved up from our childhood until now. And then we said goodbye again after some goodbyes and tears, hoping we would be together again soon. Part2 You should spend less time using computers, mobile phones etc, and more time having face-to-face conversations
答案: Firstly,it depends on whom you are talking to. If you are chatting with your close friends, family or even strangers on social media, then a huge amount of ‘communication’ like this is fine. Secondly,I think technology will never take over human interaction in any way. In fact,there needs to be a balance between both of these forms of communication if only because we need to use them to stay in touch with people when they travel/are out