是商科,管理或者金融方面的吧 CCA=cognitive science 认知科学(这应该不是商科) 还有CCA=Center for Chinese Studies 中国研究中心(这也不是商科!这是个文科项目!) 我猜题主问的应该是
CHE=the Centre of Hebrew Studies 犹太研究中心(这还是文科学院的项目)
JMCM=The School of Media and Communications 媒体和传播学院(这个学院下面有很多项目,都是商科和文科方向)
I am not sure about your target but from what I know, Nanyang is more related to STEM,which means you will be studying with mainly Chinese students. Not saying that it's a bad place as I personally had great experiences there too, but different schools have different vibe, so to speak. In july this year, I visited nanyang while applying the MA programme there. The campus was huge and modern, but it felt empty at times because most buildings were vacant. I think they are in the middle of building new facilities. The library was amazing! And I met many friendly and helpful staff members along my way (in fact I asked directions from the security guard at the main entrance). One thing missing on my visit though was meeting any students - sorry if this wasn't the case and I missed them somewhere else. My impression of Nanyang student body is that they are very hardworking and they take their studies serious. If you want to make friends with international peers, then the humanities might be better suited for your needs;)
Best of luck whatever you decide 我今年申请了NTU的MFE 和NUS 的MF 两个项目的offer都拿了 但是最后因为对亚洲地区经济兴趣更大所以去了nus读mf 没有去ntu 个人感觉这个项目是偏quant的 适合本身数学基础很好的人 虽然我也学了微积分,线性代数,统计等等本科课程,但是跟这些同学比我还是自愧不如 在入学前的夏季 我参加了学校的暑期实习 为的是提高自身的英文水平(因为听说新加坡全英文教学,如果英语不好很吃亏哦) 在实习期间 我认识了很多有趣的朋友 虽然我们来自不同国家 有着不同的文化背景 但大家因为对金融的热爱聚到了一起 除了上课之外 我们也会一起吃饭 出去玩 etc 在新加坡 这个以华人为主的国家 能和来自世界各地的同学在一起学习生活真的很不容易 也很能锻炼人的沟通能力 所以不管您最终选择哪个学校哪个项目 我希望我的经历对我有所帮助 如果您有疑问的话 请随时问我~