

在澳移民局官网可以查到的关于VET fee-help 的介绍 简单来说,这个是为澳大利亚的短期课程设立的学费退款政策(Fee Refund Scheme). 对于VET 学生,如果你学习的课程时长少于2年并且学习期间被移民局拒签或者被强制离境,可以申请VET Fee Help退款. 如果你的学校满足政府规定的条件他们会被授权进行申请. 如果申请成功,你将得到你未被使用课程的全额退款.

1,哪些学校有资格申请VET FEE HELP? VET Fee-Help is for courses at registered training organisations (RTOs) that have agreed to give refunds if their students are refused a visa or have been ordered to leave Australia by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). RTOs can choose whether they want to provide this scheme, so some may not do it – but those who do will continue to offer it for as long as DIAC continues its visa restrictions on international students in certain study areas.

The Australian government has introduced new immigration laws affecting overseas students' access to courses in Australia from February 3, 2011. To help you make an informed choice about where your studies will take place we have compiled answers to frequently asked questions, including information provided directly from Government agencies. You should also consider any other useful resources which might be available locally such as the local newspaper or student magazines. If there’s anything else you need advice on please contact our International Student Advisers. You can call us on:

Australia:+61 3 92448717 New Zealand:5909 0702 or email [email protected] ;[email protected] 请记下我们的电话号码和邮箱地址以便将来能够联系到我们。 Please note these numbers cannot always be accessed when outside Australia/New Zealand. 请注意:这些号码可能无法在国际上拨打和使用。 The Australian Government's Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations website contains detailed information relating to the changes in immigration law: http://www.dtf.gov.au/student_visas_and_overseas_education_providers/international_students_overseas/immigration_law_changes_february_2011.html

Please visit my previous post, I wrote all details about how VET works here: Can anyone tell me what happened with my VET refund? It seems like it was approved!! (It explains step by step process after applying for VET refund)

I think most of the time, students don't know why they get denied while others got granted VET refund without


谢邀 不退的原因很简单,就是移民局没有理由给你退款了 首先,在申请移民的时候你递交的申请表中,会有一张表单写着你的个人及家庭详细情况的说明(有中文对照翻译),这张表的背面会有几个勾选栏,其中有一个是确认你是否已经阅读并理解所有条款;如果打勾表示你已经同意上述内容,包括学费、生活费等一切费用,一旦你签署这份文件就要承担这些费用的支出和风险。并且这份协议也会放在移民局网站上随时可以查阅,所以不存在移民局不执行协议的条款一说。

第二点就是,既然你都已经申请了,那你肯定也知道了申请材料要准备哪些,你在提交材料时也有签字认可,同样你也知道自己的学校是什么类型的院校(例如是diploma or degree),那么你就需要知道你申请的这一所院校有哪些专业需要雅思成绩和需要什么分数,因为有些课程需要配语言,如果你的雅思成绩不够,就需要再额外支付额外的费用参加语言班或者语言考试,这都是你需要承担的支出。第三点是如果你中途退出课程,那也需要承担相应的费用(比如你上了1周想放弃,那么按照一周多少钱来计算你要付多少金额的学费哦) 第四点就是你的学校录取通知书上也会有写明学费是多少,以及什么时候缴纳这些款项。
