

1. 商业硕士master of commercial(2年制) 这个课程是墨大最受国际生欢迎的商科硕士,共有7个专业方向可以选择: Accounting and Finance 会计与金融 Economics 经济学 Information Systems 信息系统 Management 市场营销 International Business 国际贸易 Human Resource Management 人力资源管理 Supply Chain Management 供应链管理 每个专业下面有若干个具体的专业分支,以Accounting为例,具体的分支如下:

Professional Accountancy (CPA) This stream prepares you for the CPA qualifying examination in Australia required to be a chartered accountant in Australia. It involves additional learning in accounting theory, auditing standards, government regulation of corporations and taxation.

Corporate Taxation This stream will provide you with an understanding of Australian corporation tax law and its application to businesses, including small business。 You will acquire advanced knowledge of tax planning, international tax arrangements和tax dispute resolution.

Auditing & Assurance 此专业学习如何提供高品质的审计服务以及如何进行有效的企业管理。包括企业内部控制的设计、评估和改善;财务报表分析;审计取证、程序设计和执行;公司重组、清算和破产等的知识。 适合准备从事审计工作或对审计感兴趣的童鞋~

Financial Accounting& Reporting Financial reporting is essential for effective decision-making by investors, creditors, regulators and other stakeholders in any organisation. This stream will give you a thorough grounding in financial reporting principles, practices and regulations as well as in the use of specific software packages used for preparing financial statements.


International Trade & Development This stream examines the factors that influence the behaviour of nations in the global economy, with particular reference to developing countries. The course covers both theoretical 和实践方面的知识,包括发展中国家的经济政策和战略,国际贸易体系,WTO和相关议题等等。 如果对国际经济和贸易感兴趣的小伙伴千万不要错过了!

Marketing Communications The objective of this stream is to equip students with a broad knowledge base relevant to managing marketing communications in organisations, both corporate和brand, covering all aspects of marketing from strategy to research, brand management到媒体和传播。


2. 职业会计master of professionalaccounting(3年制) 这个课程由墨大的商学院和CPA澳大利亚认证机构联合
