

以下是关于C-tick 2015表单填写的详细解释,来自丹麦移民局。 1) What C-Tick is? It's a new, more secure and user friendly online application form for long stay visas (D/N, D/E and K-visa). You no longer need to visit an e-services agent in person when applying. The fee has been reduced from 473 kr to 299kr. For full details, please go here: http://www.imm.dk/en/c-tick/ (英文介绍)

2) When do I have to use it? From November 6th you should start using this new online visa application. If your previous applications were made before October 8, they will still be processed on paper forms, unless you ask them to switch over. Please note that the old forms are not available anymore once all documents have been transmitted electronically through C-Tick. So if you would like to keep your original paper copies of the supporting documentation just in case, make sure all information was entered into the electronic version as well. Also there may still be cases where the Danish Immigration Service might choose to process future applications on older paper forms even after November。You can find out about such decisions by checking our website’s status line which gives updates every three months or so:http://status.imm.dk/ (中文更新网站) Note: Even though some people might receive their decision within only one month, most applicants won't get any news at all without waiting for up to two years. In these situations, we recommend you don't expect too much from the status update system. However, you could always send us questions via email: visum@imm.dk. We read each and every question 我们 get but unfortunately cannot give individual answers to everybody because of data privacy regulations.

3) Is my current passport valid? Yes, but see answer below.

4) Can I apply for multiple entry visas with C-Tick? No, sorry :(

5) Do you want me to provide proof that i actually own property in Denmark or am a student? No problem! But first thing to remember——make sure you attach proper documents! Just writing “yes” down does nothing-it's useless as a proof; also, don't try providing things like bank statements that doesn't show


你既然已经拿到表了,我这里就不废话了。先上图 1、基本信息:姓名拼音(建议填英文名);证件号(身份证号);护照签发地及有效期;职业(学生就填写student或者study)




5、财产证明:房产证书原件+复印件,车辆行驶证原件及复印件,银行存款证明等等…… 有这些材料才能安心递交签证申请啊~否则白跑一趟哦~ 祝题主一切顺利啦~
