来,我给你们讲个真事儿。 前一阵子,我在多伦多市中心的公寓楼里收到了一封邮件,邮件的内容是:
Dear Resident,
We have received multiple complaints from residents regarding the large amount of garbage and recycling containers occupying your parking space. Could you please remove this volume of materials today as we are running out of spaces to store this material.
Please see attached photo for reference. This garbage needs to be removed by end of day tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience.
就这封邮件,我还得倒回去给房东看! 因为根据合同规定,我们每个月要扔10个垃圾袋(10cubic metres)的垃圾和2个可回收利用的袋子。超过这个额度,房东会向我们收费。
于是我打开后门,果然看到门口放了一个巨大的垃圾桶。我数了一下,里面足足有50多个黑色垃圾袋! 我在多伦多居住这么多年,还从来没见过这么夸张的垃圾量。我赶紧打电话叫垃圾清运公司过来把车开到楼下,然后在门口目送他们拉走了几十袋垃圾。
说实话,我挺无语的。这些垃圾都是楼上邻居的。为什么他们要那么浪费呢?难道不知道加拿大的垃圾处理费是非常昂贵的吗? 于是第二天我开始行动了。我写了一封信,发给所有住户,内容如下:
I am writing to bring attention to our building’s terrible waste management problem. Over the past few weeks I have collected 60+ bags of garbage that has been left on the street in front of our building or in the alleyway behind it. Most of these bags contain recyclables, which can no longer be picked up curbside by the city. They must now all be brought down to the recycling depot in Toronto. Please refer to the attached photos for an example of what is being discarded along with a photo of the dumpster that was hired to deal with this issue. (note that when this was sent out, there were already four black garbage bags in the dumpster).
I am not sure who owns the property under us but I think they need to be made aware of how badly their tenants are discarding items in order to maintain a healthy home environment. Thank you